Friday, January 24, 2020

Amanda Marcotte: ‘Impeachment Trial Should Remove Any Lingering Doubt: Republicans Are Beyond Redemption’

 From Salon:

...[A]s I watched the impeachment trial Wednesday, which featured the first day of Democratic House members arguing before the Senate in favor of removing Donald Trump from office, I was struck by the fact that Democrats were making a flawless case. Their evidence is overwhelming. Their arguments are airtight. The rhetoric was pitch-perfect. It was a tour de force of Enlightenment faith in the power of rhetoric and reason. Rep. Adam Schiff kept morphing, before my eyes, into Atticus Finch, as portrayed by Gregory Peck.

But let’s not forget how To Kill a Mockingbird ends: Atticus loses his case and his innocent client, Tom, is killed. No matter how perfectly Democrats argue their case, Republicans plan to acquit Trump and their voters will be ecstatic about it. 

Our problem isn’t the Democrats and their “messaging.” Our problem is the Republicans. Justice has no place in a society run by people who care only about domination and the will to power. 
Read the full article.

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